May 7th, 2023
3845 N Harlem Ave
Chicago, IL
Our first workshop introduced students to music and music theory! This is where all musicians start and where a love for music can be kindled.
We introduced participants to notes & scales, basic rhythms, and sheet music as a concept. The learning process was made more fun with flashcards spelling out different words; we turned each word into a musical piece! Students also enjoyed clapping along to some energetic music.
May 21st, 2023
3845 N Harlem Ave
Chicago, IL
Our second workshop will build off the first one, introducing concepts like accidentals, keys, and clefs. Participants will learn about different note lengths by taking part in activities where they can feel how long each note is. We will finish this workshop by discussing what sheet music is and why we have it.
Our third workshop will build off the second one, tying together the key concepts introduced in the first two sessions. We will see how sheet music can be played using both hands, how rhythm factors into a piece, how pieces can be classified based on their tempos, and much more.
October 8th, 2023
3845 N Harlem Ave
Chicago, IL
Our fourth workshop, in accordance with the Bridge to Türkiye Fund Youth Chapter, is in celebration of Turkish Children’s Day on April 23rd.
April 14th, 2024
5005 Newport Dr Rooftop Suites
Rolling Meadows, IL